We are delighted to have been awarded funding, for the second year, under the Creative Schools project to promote creativity within all subject areas and within the school in general. We already work in creative ways and pupils are involved in a lot of creative work. However, this programme places creativity and creative thought at the heart of what we do.As part of this project, each Creative School works with a Creative Associate. Our Creative Associate, Jane, has worked with us over the last year to develop children’s creativity and help them think creatively. The journey for us as a school was to develop our own vision for what we want as a Creative School.
Over the course of the year, we (Creative Schools’ Committees of staff and pupils) decided that each class group would decide among themselves an area of creativity that they would like to experience. Jane then made contact with local experienced artists who could work with classes to develop the skills needed. Some classes used outside artists and creators, some classes did it all by themselves.
The focus was on the creative experience and, while it was nice to have an end product, this was not the primary focus. Pupils learned key skills that can be used by themselves again and again.