This year St. Luke’s took part in the Scoileanna Ildánacha /Creative Schools initiative. The aim of this pilot project was to put arts and creativity at the heart of children’s lives. The pupils worked closely with our Creative Associate, Jane Hayes, to better understand, develop and celebrate the arts and creativity in our school. The project inspired the staff and students to develop a host of new and exciting ways of working that impact on the learning, development and well-being of the school community.
Creative experiences included tie-dying, cake decorating, coding, rapping, animation, messy play, drumming, and baking. Each class decided on their own preferred creative activity and the school then collaborated with local artists to bring their ideas to the classroom. The aim is to keep creativity at the heart of everything we do.
To mark this important work, the school’s newly-formed Children’s Creative Council undertook a series of hands-on workshops with Jane, where they developed an instillation of 5 large ‘sails’ that they embellished with image and text. Their work celebrates the process of reflecting on our creativity, the school’s involvement in Creative Schools and the local history of sail making. They were delighted to share their work with the community for Crinniú na nÓg and Cork Midsummer Festival 2019.
Creative Schools is a flagship initiative of the Creative Ireland Programme to enable the creative potential of every child. Creative Schools is led by the Arts Council in partnership with the Department of Education and Skills and the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht.
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