
Green Schools Website Update

  • Our most recent Green Flag was received for our work on the theme of  Water. As well as maintaining our previous Green Flags, we looked at raising awareness of water usage and what  can be done at home and at school to improve this.
  • Here are a few things that we worked on:
  • Glimmermen: ensuring each class has a Glimmerman who keeps lights and classroom appliances off when people are not present in the room.
  • Water meters – with the help of our caretaker Liam, we have been tracking our water usage  by reading the water metre.
  • Water Day – we had a Water Awareness day where we  wore blue and carried out some water sport activities.
  • Red Dye Experiment – we used red dye to track the pathway of water in our cisterns.
  • Water Butts – Liam, our caretaker, helped us  by using this water for maintaining our school grounds and garden.
  • We had guest speakers visiting St. Luke’s during assembly to talk about water awareness. We  also learned our Water Rap. 
  • After our visit to the Water Exhibition at Vienna Woods, we discovered great ideas to help us gain our Water Flag, these included using Hippo Bags in our toilets to reduce water usage.